Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Writing and Me

I have always enjoyed writing. It served as an outlet for my overactive imagination as a child. I could write down my ideas and give them life. Since I was 5 years old I have always written my own stories, ranging from outrageous school stories to quiet super hero stories. It wasn't until high school I began get serious about my writing. My stories had intriguing plots, characters with backstories, and imaginative worlds. I was actually writing every day until I began to get more involved in school. Writing papers was easy for me, although I wasn't a big fan of school writing since it was a bit boring to me.

Now, I would like to focus on my fictional stories. Because fiction has always been my forte I would like to work more on writing fiction. I 've always had some trouble with detail in my stories and I would like to strengthen it. I want the reader to get a clear picture of the character's face and the world they live in. I'm sure after taking this class my writing will be filled with details.

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